MISSION STATEMENT: The Joan Valentine Foundation – A Foundation for Natural Cures mission is to be a global leader in defining the field of integrative, holistic and alternative healing methods in the treatment of cancer as well as preventative lifelong health solutions by providing funding for research, resources and educating practitioners.
VISION STATEMENT: The Joan Valentine Foundation is committed to finding the most effective treatments for cancer while educating people about preventative and restorative health solutions. The vision of the Joan Valentine Foundation is to provide all afflicted with this disease the resources to make more informed decisions about their care and to encourage the use of holistic and integrative principles. It is our goal to show that integrating mainstream medicine with holistic or alternative medicine — the best of the West with the best of the East — results in optimal outcomes.
We will accomplish these goals by a) uncovering effective cancer treatments b) funding pioneering cancer research c) promoting the use of alternative/integrative therapies in treating and preventing cancer, d) training and informing practitioners about innovative therapies, and e) serve as an information clearinghouse to the general public, particularly those afflicted with cancer. We will publicize these findings through a wide variety of media channels.
We envision bringing together a power base to influence how cancer is viewed, treated and most importantly prevented. We believe it is imperative to make available a more current and holistic understanding of cancer treatment and wellness.
Initially we will form partnerships with existing leaders in the field of natural and complementary health care and education such as the Florida-based Hippocrates Health Institute whose philosophy is similar to Joan Valentine Foundation. We will also seek university based research models such as Global Cures established at Harvard Medical School.
Our existing relationships with such innovators as advisory board members Burton Goldberg, often referred to as the “Voice of Alternative Medicine” and Brian Clement, PhD, who is co-director of the Hippocrates Health Institute as well as board member, Dr. Janet Hranicky, who has spent decades building an extensive interdisciplinary educational and training background in the development of an new and innovative model in Integrative Oncology, will attract leaders in the field to our organization. Our long term goal is to build a West coast center in partnership with Hippocrates Health Institute.