Archive for March, 2012

A two-time breast cancer survivor’s journey through cancerland

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A two-time breast cancer survivor’s journey through cancerland

When men dressed like Franciscan monks, wearing sandals and brown hooded robes belted with a rope, appeared in Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos’ dreams in 1999 and told her she had breast cancer, she didn’t ignore them although her recent mammogram, Pap smear and blood work had revealed no abnormalities.

Listening to her dreams, or what can better be described as nightmares, she badgered her doctors for different tests but instead was given three more mammograms and four blood tests over a ...

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Wishing Ethan Zohn the best in his stem cell transplant recovery

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Wishing Ethan Zohn the best in his stem cell transplant recovery

Survival is nothing new for Ethan Zohn. But with the return of his Hodgkin’s lymphoma the winner of Survivor Africa in 2001 faces a different challenge these days. He recently underwent a stem cell transplant from his brother and is hospitalized until his immune system is fully functional, which could be about five weeks.

Adult stem cells, essentially blank cells that can become another type cell in the body, can be used as a natural solution to replace and heal damaged ...

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